Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Long Glamorous Goodbye to Mummy: THE HOLLYWOOD ODYSSEY

The next morning we hopped on Rt. 101 and drove into San Fran. We checked into the Ritz for our night of Luxury.

Everything about the Ritz screams “FIRST CLASS!” It looks like the Metropolitan Museum. The flowers are beautiful, the chandeliers are beautiful, the rugs are beautiful, the furniture is amazing ,and the staff is obsequious. Our breakfast cost sixty dollars. I was off my raw vegan diet and heavy into the hollandaise.

We had a tour of the city led by Malcom. Malcom took a special interest in Mummy, and showed her Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Tenderloin, Haight Ashberry and a spectacular view of the whole city.

We had tea at a little outdoor café. Malcom is my new friend. He loves music, especially the music of Mastro Don Carlo Gesualdo, an Italian prince born in 1560. Gesualdo was a murderer and a madman who had his servants whip him every day when he “sat to stool.” Remind me to include this in my Free Online Creativity Workshop blog. Gesualdo’s music is awesome. It’s about the descent of the soul into oblivion. Of course Gesualdo was so far ahead of his time he had to self publish. Genius is bad for business.

Malcom gushed,

“I love my job! I love showing off San Francisco!”


We finished our tour in a secret spot where fishermen keep their boats under the Golden Gate Bridge. We watched the sun set and the Golden Gate blushed crimson. Malcom took a picture of us but it didn't come out. It's too dark to see the effect of the dying sun on the bridge. But what a beautiful memory.

When we got back to the Ritz we had to run out to dinner. The Big Four at the Huntington Hotel on Nob Hill is an old style classic restaurant.

We wanted to be close to the piano so they set up a table for us right next to it. The piano player was a sem- young blond gentleman. He played American standards in a florid style. We don’t have too many places where you can hear that kind of piano in New York City. The real estate is too precious. They pulled the piano out of Bobby Vans, they pulled the piano out of One Fifth Avenue, and they yanked the piano out of Ferros. Background piano is a dying art form.

There were many elegant people at the bar. One man was dressed in the Daddy style. Another man kept coming over to our table. He was a designer and interior decorator. He said,

“I am creative.”

Mummy said,

“So am I”

He said,

“I hated to retire. I loved my job.”

Mummy said,

“That’s what I say.”

He said, “When are you leaving? “

I said “Tomorrow.”

He turned to Mummy and said,

“You’re not leaving!”

But we did leave.


At 4:30 AM I went to get the car in the parking garage. The concierge gave me the official RITZ CARLTON directions to the airport. As I drove I was thanking G*d for looking after us, and for keeping us from harm, and above all for helping me find my way to the San Francisco airport. I saw the sign: San Francisco Airport. I was overjoyed. But I had to return the car. I saw another sign that said,

“Return rental cars here.”

I took the exit. I soon found myself on a freeway going in the wrong direction – hurtling toward an unknown world. It was pitch black. I thought, “This can’t be right.” I took another exit.

A thick fog had settled in the redwood forest. It was swirling around the Ford Focus. Trees seemed to be reaching out their branches to ensnare us and make us late for the plane. Our departure was at 8 AM. I was screwed.

I found myself in the largely unpopulated Diablo mountain range, ancestral home of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. It was now about 6:45 AM. We were going to miss our plane.

I drove for 15 minutes without seeing a car, a house, a sign or an exit. Suddenly, I saw a man in a white pickup truck. He was a Native American man. I rolled down the window. With tears in my eyes, I said,

“I am completely lost. This is my mother. I have to get her to the airport.”

He said,

“Follow me.”

Mummy said,
“How can you trust him.”

I said,

“He is an Indian.”

He turned his pickup truck around. He led us up Rt. 280 for 20 minutes and then down Rt. 101 for 20 minutes and pointed out the exit with his hand as he drove off. How can I ever thank him? If you see this man please thank him for me!

Mitekuye Oyasin!

We made the plane.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009



I had fond memories of Spago. One spring afternoon, long ago,the Hollywood Reporter interviewed me in the Spago garden. They called me “A statuesque, willowy blond…who moves like a ballet dancer and sings like an angel”… They wrote, “Phoebe Legere is destined to be a superstar.”

Now, I limped into Spago wearing the "mummy approved" grey wool turtleneck dress. I looked like a quahog with bunions. Mummy was appalled by the bad paintings, creepy furniture and weird place settings. The worst of it was that every single item on the menu had garlic. Mummy is allergic to garlic and I cannot eat tomatoes. We had come to the worst possible restaurant in the world.

While we waited for a special order Red Snapper to appear, Mummy noticed that the man next to her was eating Chocolate Souffle. She turned her head slightly to the left, and asked, matter of factly,

“How’s that soufflé”

The stranger nodded his head and smiled.

The man was a strikingly handsome.. Very trim, very tan, about sixty.

I realized that he spoke only French.

The man had not understood a word of our conversation about how repulsive Spago is.

Spago turns out to be one of his favorite restaurants.

We talked. In French. Pierre lives in Hawaii and Carcassone. He was extremely well mannered, raffinee et gentile-a happy go lucky, slightly over ripe dreamboat of the best kind.

Pierre was so wonderful I felt like I was being dropped from a great height. I was in free fall – weightless, ecstatic, totally in love. I thought he must be a Duke or a Count. I said,

“Do you wear a suit of armor?”

He said,

“My ancestors did.”

I googled him and found out his métier:

He is a masseur.

Actually, I think I need a massage more than I need a Duke. A foot massage would be awesome.

Mr. Lee brought us home. We were very tired after all the stars, limousines, luxury stores and handsome men.


The next day we woke up at 4 and drove to San Francisco.
I had a vision of Mummy by the Pacific and I was going see it through.

It was 10 hours of hard road. My bladder infection was better, but the Freeway still gave me “The Fear.” I didn’t know where I was going, I didn’t know where we would sleep, and at least 25 people had told me “It’s too far, you can’t drive it.”

Soon we turned off the Freeway onto Rt. 101 We passed through Santa Barbra.

“Mummy, This is where the Reagans live.”

“I couldn’t stand her.”

We kept driving.

We saw ranches, with long horn cattle, old fences and signs. It was like being in a cowboy movie. The real Wild West! I saw an exit for the Lazy J Ranch. I took the exit. I went to the bathroom by the side of the car, in the sage brush. I told Mummy to keep a sharp eye out for rattlesnakes and Pumas. She corrected my pronunciation. “Poo-ma” Indeed.

After going to the bathroom, I was relieved. I felt like a different person. I was focused. We kept driving. Using Mike’s directions I found Rt. 1. We saw the Hearst Castle, but it looked like a tourist trap. They wanted 15 bucks! The nerve. Mummy said,

“Why did Hearst want to live here in the middle of nowhere? “

“Wasn’t it something to do with Rosebud?”

We kept driving The Pacific was on our left. It was gorgeous. We started to see lookout places to park. We stopped. There was a man in khakis staring out at the sea. He had that hungry, resolute look of a marine biology addict. I said,

“Are you a naturalist?”

He said,

“I am counting seals.”

I said,

“Where are they?”

He said,

“There’s one and there’s one and there’s one by the rock.”

They looked like black men standing in the water.

A friendly young human took our picture.

We drove on. I was terribly thirsty. We stopped to get water at the Whalewatch Café and Country store.

There was a man with a beard and two teeth standing on the porch. He was looking out at the Pacific.

He said,

“There’s another one.”

I said,


The man kept gazing out at the Pacific.

“Do you see the whale”

I looked.


He said,

“Look! Like a puff of smoke. That’s the spout. They are playing. A mother with her baby.”

I looked.

I saw the whale.

We got back in the car. We kept driving. We were on the intensely serpentine one lane cliff drive -the fabled "17 mile ride. "

The 17 mile ride on RT. 1 is the reason people tried to warn me away from the trip. It was like a rollercoaster on the moon. In a Ford Focus. I was clutching the steering wheel. The Focus was gripping pretty well, but it’s all about brakes -

A fabulous death to be sure, but we had reservations at the Ritz!

We drove on.


We stopped for lunch at Nepenthe – the only nice place to eat for 100 miles. We climbed three flights of stairs to the open air restaurant. It is 800 feet about the Pacific and you can see for 40 miles: a magnificent view of Big Sur.

In Greek, Nepenthe means "isle of no care," a place to find surcease from sorrow." It also has a bathrooms and food.

There were about 5 Hells Angels waiting in line, along with Grand Hippies, Hippies, and Grandchildren of Hippies. I told the host that my mother needed food and a place to sit down. The "Host" told me we would have to wait 45 minutes for a table. I told them my mother needed a place to sit down right away. [She is so beautiful that people are still jealous of her, even though she is 2000 years old.]

I explained to the Hells Angels about my mother[very old, diabetes,last trip]. The Hells Angels got it.

Then gave a short sermon to the "Host" on the subject of respect to elders

Nepenthe was the only place on the trip where I encountered someone who didn't "get it."

I seated her myself. After she was seated and had some tea she felt better.

We shopped in the Phoenix gift store and saw a Jeweled Green Bed Canopy from India. It would have been perfect for Auntie- but how could we carry it on the plane? I regret that I didn’t ask them to ship it- but I didn’t think of that. All I could think of was “save money” “keep going” “don’t get killed”

We were exhausted. The sun was going down.

We drove on. My plan was to stop in Santa Cruz, where cousin Anne Hemenway went to school, but Mummy wanted to try for San Francisco.

“In San Francisco I will be warm.”


I had been “Twittering” about our trip and Dr. Michael Moon, of California State University told me I should go over Rt. 17 to cut back to Rt 101. and that would take me up to San Francisco.

Rt.17 was not part of the original game plan. Christmas Eve, after 15 Egg Nogs, my brother in law Mike formulated a route for me that would get us from San Fran to LA in 9 hours. Mike laid out a good route, but I saw a sign for Rt. 17 and impulsively I took it.

Mummy knew I was dead tired. It was dark and I didn’t know anything about Rt. 17 except that somebody named @mymoon DM’d me on Twitter and said it was a possible route to San Francisco. Dr. Michael Moon didn’t tell me it was one of the deadliest roads in America. It’s like driving the devil’s tail.

Rt. 17 is a tortuous, twisting nightmare with no shoulder, no exit, no houses…It’s nothing but a black streak through mountains, with Silicon millionaires gunning their Lambos 90 miles an hour. It was drivetime and everybody was hungry. No shoulder, no turn off. I needed to go to the bathroom.

Quoting from Wikipedia.

“Highway 17's combination of narrow shoulders, dense traffic, sharp turns, blind curves, wandering fauna such as deer and mountain lions, and sudden changes in traffic speeds have led to driving conditions that result in a number of accidents and fatalities, leading to the reputation of Highway 17 as one of the most dangerous highways in the state. In the winter months, because Highway 17 crosses a high precipitation area in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the roadway can become very slippery from rain or snow, making the road worse. Some sections of 17 have become so notoriously dangerous that they have attained nicknames among the locals. (For example, Northbound 17 after Summit Road with its sharp turns and steep slope has been deemed "Valley Surprise" for the fact that many unfamiliar drivers hit the median on their way to the Santa Clara Valley.)

When we pulled into Los Gatos, it was 6 PM and pitch black. I had been driving for 11 hours with a one hour break for lunch. I needed to go to the bathroom and I was completely, utterly, heartbreakingly lost.

I saw what I though might be a hotel. I ran faster than Hussein Bolt into the hotel, knocking a bride and her flower girl down as I sprinted to the desk of what seemed to be called the “Tollhouse Hotel”.

“Do you have a room?”

“You’ll have to wait your turn. I’m taking care of somebody else.”

“Mother. Car. Now.”

“Yes we have a room.”

I Husseined it back to Mummy. We negotiated the price of the room down 100 dollars, checked in and ate a Toll House cookie.

Mummy fell asleep immediately. As you all know I don’t have TV and I found myself alone with the joy clicker. Within minutes I located my people: The Discovery Channel.

I watched a program about a tribe that lives in the Amazon. Both men and women pierce their lower lip and insert a bone in the slit. It looks like an ivory beard. They look hot when they are young, before the piercings stretch, but isn’t that always the way.

Then I watched a show about some people in New Guinea. The chief of the tribe took a new wife, a 16 year old, who killed him and ran away with her young lover. The Chief’s old, decrepit wife, in her mid twenties, was distraught. Her children would starve without a man. She cut off her finger and wears it around her neck as a charm.

Good luck dollface.

I looked over at the phonebook. We were in Silicon Valley- land of the super computer. I love f*ckn computers. If you don't believe me just look at my credit card statements for the last 15 years.
I was happy to be alive and we were within striking distance of San Francisco.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



We woke up at 5 AM and had breakfast at the Hilton Lobby Bar where Frank Sinatra used to go for a nightcap. We ordered breakfast.

The bartender was a surfer named Rob. Rob gave us a little history on the Beverley Hilton.

“Conrad Hilton built this hotel in 1955. It was the first “Hilton” hotel. He was married to Zsa Zsa Gabor. Her sister Ava Gabor designed the pink bathroom in the Ballroom where they hold the Golden Globe Awards.”

Mummy ordered a blueberry muffin, my croissant was French, flakey, and fresh.

We walked around and looked at the dramatic flower arrangements.

There were 20’x30’ abstract paintings and moderne furniture mixed with superb Chinese pieces. You have to hand it to the Hiltons. They have preserved the mid-fifties ambiance, but the hotel has been updated and up-spiffed in a very cool way.

I went to the hotel gym and ran a mile, stood on my head and lifted weights. Mummy sat on the “Glute crunch” machine and lifted Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

There was a bowl of gargantuan navel oranges in a bowl at the “Spa.” We took two. We were really living it up.

9:30 AM
Homes of the Stars Tour

Mummy sat in front with our driver, an older Latin man. Juan was brimming with information and good cheer. We saw Salvador Dali’s House, Versace’s house, a Frank Geary building…. we saw the homes of John Wayne, Sophia Loren, the Barrymores, and Batman. We saw Tom Cruise’s old house, Tom’s new house….we went to special little streets, we saw the Playboy mansion, we saw the house where my friend Steve Bogart grew up with his parents Humphrey and Lauren Bacall.

On a sad note we saw movers packing up the late Paul Newman’s car collection-They were putting his antique cars on flatbed trucks. I got very depressed. I loved that salad dressing.

Look closely at the photo and you can see the Stutz Bearcat through the gates in the courtyard.

We saw the Hollywood sign. It’s hard to see, but Mummy saw it.

We went to the Walk of Stars. We saw Grauman’s Chinese Theater, the Whisky A Go Go, and we saw the quintessence of luxury retail: RODEO DRIVE!

We got so excited we asked the drive to let us off at Rodeo Drive and we shopped: Chanel, Versace, Yves St. Laurent, Armani… Mummy bought a new pink lipstick at Chanel. We sat down on a bench at Via Rodeo, the street built by Versace. It is just like a little street in Italy.

We had tea at an unbelievably chic bar. The bill came to 18 dollars for two cups of tea. It was worth it. Mr. Lee came to pick us up in the limo. He held the door for Mummy. Everyone assumed she was a movie star, but most of the people watching us were only 23, so they had never seen Mummy’s movies. Nonetheless, they knew. They felt the star power.

That night we were so tired we could hardly move. We decided that we didn’t have the energy to dress and go to Spagos. I dragged myself to the concierge desk, and looked into his liquid, brown, hospitality management eyes.

“ Josh, Do you think we can get a reservation at Trader Vic’s here in the hotel? We are somewhat pooped. “

Josh gave me a knowing smile.

“Phoebe, trust me. You do not want to go to Trader Vic’s. You want to go to Spago.”

Monday, January 12, 2009

How Do You Feel About Your Mom?

Does your mother give you a hard time? Does she love you to death?
Does she drive you nuts?

I have a mother unlike any other. I had two choices. Go on drugs to deal with the pain, or just do what Jesus what do: Jesus would have taken his mother to Hollywood.

This is my account of my trip to Beverly Hills and San Francisco with my mother. My trips with my mom are a form of spiritual practice - You know those people in Iraq who flaggelate themselves as a form of prayer? That is a very intense form of worship.

In my next blog you will meet My Mother. She is a genius.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


We hopped on the four-lane LA Freeway in our rented gold Ford Focus. It was already dark. Ferraris, Maseratis, Corvettes and Lamborghini’s zipped by.
I was a freaking out.

“Where are we?” I asked myself. I had nervous diarrhea.

We took the Wilshire Blvd. exit. Suddenly, we were in another world: hushed and opulent. Tiny lights sparkled on the trunks of towering palms. Beverly Hills, land of the rich and famous, lay before us like a bitch waiting be f*cked.

I was TOTALLY lost. On a side-street I saw two Japanese girls. They told me, in broken english, “Turn left, turn right, turn left, go straight, you see!”

The Beverly Hilton rises up from the boulevard, a massive monument, flooded with light, gushing with fountains, alive with tropical plants and flowers. We staggered in, bone weary. My ‘up-do’ usually so chic and tidy, looked like the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event.

But Mummy still looked good, and Josh, the concierge, recognized us instantly.

“Hello Win! Hello Phoebe! We’ve been waiting for you!.” .

I’d been talking to Josh for a month – planning our reservations, tour and accommodations . I told him I was bringing a very special guest.

“Don’t worry Phoebe. We will give your mother the time of her life!”

Josh gave us his favorite room: “Cabana Room #1” by the pool. One wall of our room was glass. We could see starlets swimming in the pool, their nubile bodies illuminated by the Christmas lights. They were wearing bikinis and drinking Mai Tais. It was 55 degrees.

When Hilary Knight interviewed Esther Williams for Vanity Fair last year she wanted to be interviewed at the Hilton, by this pool. It is known as “the most beautiful pool in Beverley Hills”.


We dressed for dinner. I wore a grey dress with an empire waist, zebra stripe shoes with a medium wedge heel and black stockings with chevron patterns. Mummy looked perfect in pink cashmere, silk scarf, and black suede shoes with a red wedge platform.


I called for the Hilton Family personal driver. Mr. L. He picked us up in a Lexus limo and drove us to a restaurant called “The Crustacean.” The floor is an aquarium. You walk on glass. Under your feet, tropical fish swim happily as if nothing about this whole arrangement is unusual in any way. The aquarium is a path that leads you into the French colonial splendor of the dining room.
An excellent Smooth Jazz band was playing. Mummy said,

“I like that music.”

Our server, Marcello, was handsome and charming. (Figure 1.) He suggested that I order the Chilean Sea Bass. I recoiled in horror,

“But that is on the Monterey Aquarium “don’t eat” list!

Marcello said,

“Yes! But this is a special occasion.” Marine Ecology and Conservation went out the window. Neptune forgive me. I had the bass.

Mummy had salmon.

Our food was delicious. Mummy loved the flowers. I loved the flavors and our darling server Mario. Everything was beautiful.

Mr. L picked us up in the limo. Mr. L was Bob Hope’s personal bodyguard and limo driver for thirty years. He drove Mr. Hope up to the last week of his life. (Bob Hope died at 101)

Bob Hope was a protestant but his wife Dolores was a catholic. Hope’s wife asked him where he wanted to be buried. Hope said,

“I don’t know. Surprise me!”

We went back to the Hilton and fell asleep immediately.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


YOU JUST GOT REJECTED1 You applied for a grant to do a multimedia symphony called THE MOTHER SYMPHONY that would be an homage to Mothers everywhere, especially to the COMMON MOTHER of HUMAN BEINGS...(and since your own mother is dying it was to be an awesome homage the world's Fiercest Diva)


Sounds pretty good right? Did I mention that as you conduct the orchestra you would be wearing a pair of sneakers called "The Rap Shoes" that make music whenever you move your feet?

You got REJECTED! and to do a real Symphony you needed that money, you needed mega $ to pay and rehearse musicians!

Don't look for a PATRON! Rich people don't need musicians anymore
because they can turn on the radio and hear why waste money keeping American culture alive?

Pal, I know you were REALLY CLOSE to getting this grant.


You want to scream. You want to cry. You want to get drunker than drunk. You want to invent new drugs to take! You want oblivion! You want to DIE!

My friend! Get a hold of yourself. YOU ARE AN ARTIST!


You must make yourself ABSOLUTELY NUMB to rejection! Forget it!

Dr. Michael Moon reminded me of a magnificent quote from the late great art critic Clement Greenberg:


Think about it.

My friend! Dry your tears! It is obvious - You are a genius!


Play on...paint on...write on...REJECT REJECTION! Listen only to your own muse!

Click here to learn more about

Monday, January 5, 2009


Do you have a "creativity killer" in your life? Is there someone who says, "It can't be done. You aren't good enough...why are you wasting your time on should be doing something practical!" These people tell you "not to sing"...they tell you you are too "old" or not "old enough" to pursue your dreams.

Put a little distance between yourself and this "Negativizer" for a while. People like this have usually killed their own creativity and they are jealous when they see someone else expressing themselves.

We will deal with the issue of "Creativity Killers" who "kill" with their bitterness and broken dreams...but for now...FIND A NEW FRIEND.

Do you know someone who draws pictures, writes poetry, writes songs, acts, sings, dances. Send them an email today. Say, "I like what you are doing and I want to be your friend."

Here I am - Thanksgiving with Hunter Thompson. I had never made a turkey before, but I somehow figured it out. Look how happy he is...


Mozart used to wake up at 5 AM to compose. He wrote music from 5 until 12 and then he spent the afternoon playing billiards, socializing, and setting up concert venues for his music. His maid used to complain that she had to get up so early to light the fire and make coffee, but Mozart knew that he had to compose with the best energy of the day!

Hunter Thompson used to start writing after midnight. He wrote until the sun came up.
When the sun came up he said, "It's over." He crawled into bed and fell asleep.

Stravinsky wrote from 6AM to 11Am everyday of his life. He said that he learned this discipline from his teacher Rimsky Korsakov.

What is your best energy of the day? When do you feel clear, strong and connected?
That is your "Creative Hour."

Watch this video of a little girl named Emily who takes time for her creativity every day. When asked where "it" comes from she says,"From my heart."

Every child is a genius...this child has high musical intelligence to be sure, but in addition, she is surrounded by people who support her, nurture and BELIEVE in her.

Friday, January 2, 2009


As I travel around the world lecturing and performing, people are constantly
asking me the secret of my seemingly inexhaustible creativity. They say, "Phoebe,I wish I were creative. I wish I had an exciting life like you. I'd love to be on the radio, on television, I'd love to be represented in galleries, I'd love to have a band and play concerts all over the world.

Guess what? YOU CAN TAP INTO THE LIMITLESS SOURCE of all creative power. All you have to do is nurture the ARTIST who is trapped inside your SOUL.

I love creativity and all my life I have supported other people in making their creative vision become a REALITY. Now I want to help YOU unlock your full creative potential!

The mere fact that you are reading this blog shows that you are on the DIVINE PATH to the source of all art and beauty. READ ON!

I will reveal the results of my quest for the HIDDEN SOURCE of CREATIVE GENIUS in my new "GENIUS" blog. The "Genius" blog is a straightforward, no-holds barred primer on HOW to TAP into YOUR creative GENIUS!
The first secret of creativity is to HANG out with Passionate, creative, people who show an UNWILLINGNESS to compromise.

I've interviewed hundreds of artists, musicians, actors, fashion designers, writers and film makers to UNCOVER the secret of making CREATIVE MAGIC.

I ask questions, I observe the creative process, I study the most AMAZING works of ART and GENIUS...but the single most important thing I do is BEFRIEND CREATIVE PEOPLE.

Passion is infectious...and passion is the magic seed of CREATIVITY.

Here I am hanging out with brilliant Barry Humphreys aka Dame Edna, and Isabella Blow.
Barry is an ARTIST: a playwright, actor, singer, raconteur, and painter. Isabella Blow is a MUSE. She died two years ago but she continues to INSPIRE artists around the world. Some MUSES are IMMORTAL. Isabella blurred the line between ARTIST and MUSE. Her life was her art.